Phase Equilibria Diagrams
About us
THERMODATA, member of the international group SGTE, is engaged for many years in the critical assessment and compilation of thermodynamic data for organic and metallurgical substances, and has unique experience and expertise in the thermodynamic evaluation of data for solutiion phases.
SGTE is a consortium of centers engaged in the development of thermodynamic databanks for organic and metallurgical systems and their applications to practicle problems.
Our aims are :
- The provision, maintenance and expansion of high quality databases, that enable the user to undertake complex calculations of chemical equilibrium efficiently and reliably.
- Cooperation in a broader international effort to unify thermodynamic data and assessments ; also to promote collaborative efforts.
Customers currently benefit from problem-solving in the following fields :
Waste processing
Inorganic chemicals
Energy conversion
Alloy development
Materials compatibility
Pollution control
Chemical vapor deposition
Crystal growth